988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline in Ohio
Did you know that when you call 988, you’re connected to a trained specialist, most often right here in Ohio? Learn more from Ohio's 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline call center specialists as they share stories of inspiration and encouragement. Learn more about how 988 provides a direct link to empathetic, anonymous, and easily accessible care and support for individuals facing emotional distress, such as thoughts of suicide, mental health or substance use crisis, or concern for a friend or family member.
If you, or someone you know is in crisis call, text, or chat 988
Call - Dial 988 on your mobile or home phone for immediate support
For the Veterans Crisis Line, dial 988 then press 1. You do not have to be enrolled in Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits or health care to call.
Para acceder al apoyo en español, marque 988 y presione 2.
Text - To text with a crisis counselor, send a text to 988 on you mobile phone. (English and Spanish)
Para iniciar una conversación de mensaje de texto en español con el 988 Lifeline, envía la palabra AYUDA a 988.
Chat -- To reach a crisis counselor. Click here
For more information visit the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline here